Monday, May 10, 2010

Days 20 & 21: mixing it up

I hope you enjoyed my father's post as much as I did!

For the last two days, I haven't exercised in a standard fashion for a few reasons: a) my days have been pretty booked and b) i now have a cold and can't really breathe through my face.

However, during this down time, I found some creative ways to be recreational -

Exercised my elbow: My father was correct in his predictions that my elbow would be getting a work out, lifting all of those drinks to my mouth. It was tough, but I obviously had to celebrate my sister's day of birth.

Exercised my mind: That's right. I started reading "Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf. My brain muscles hurt.

Exercised my fingers: I spent many an hour practicing the piano. My fingers were pretty out of shape. I'm going to have to start a regimen for them, as well.

Exercised my sense of indulgence: I took a delightful bath and slept in and ate well and had some retail therapy time with my mom.

Exercised my sympathy: Visited my sister's exboyfriend who took a nasty spill over a 700 foot cliff. It was super sad to see him lain up in bed :(

Exercised my organizational skills: Since I'm moving into an apartment with a full kitchen in a few weeks, I took everything I own from my last apartments and unpacked all of it, went through it, and then repacked everything I'm taking with me. It was quite an ordeal.

So there you have it, folks! I haven't entirely been super lazy. I also haven't been as active as normal, but getting sick is certainly an indication that my body needs [needed] a bit of a break/

It's back to the gym tomorrow!

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