Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 58: Can't you feel the beat

On Sunday morning, Becca, Kat, Natalia & I were all supposed to bike the Holyoke Reservoir together. Due to a complication of plans, it ended up just being Becca & myself and we had a great time!

I brought my ipod, which has an external speaker, and put on my mix entitled "Sex" - which is mostly pop music & techno remixes (the one I normally listen to for long car rides & any kind of exercise. My feel-good music). I hooked it onto my pants and off we went!

It was gorgeous out! A bit on the muggy side, but that's standard this summer, it seems. The res was quite active with joggers and bikers and walkers. We did one half loop around it and stopped at the rocks to look for snakes. We saw one big black one sunning itself on the rocks and one piece of shed skin. Then we did the rest of the loop and passed by a TON of geese. It seems like only yesterday they were little puffy babies and now they are full grown!

After finishing that loop, we decided to go around again. I probably could have gone around again and again and again because I was enjoying myself so much. The terrain was mildly flat and I was feeling really energetic and really happy. Becca and I had a conversation going as we biked around. And I have to say that this was the easiest res bike ride I have ever gone on.

We ended up doing a total of 7-8 miles before heading home to get ready for the rest of the day. I look forward to doing more rides there with her in the future!

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