Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 40: frisbike

This weekend, I headed back to West Springfield to spend some quality time with the family.

On average, I have bicicyling about 5 miles a day in addition to going to the gym, and this weekend definitely threw a curve into my typical routine. Not only did I find myself eating more over the weekend, I also found myself exercising much less.

On Saturday, my dad, Becca, Hozay and I hit the street to play a bit of Frisbee. At first, we weren't meshing well, but we kept mixing up the order of who threw to who, and eventually established a pretty decent pattern that brought us to 20 frisbee throws. I'm a consistent thrower, my dad is an enthusiastic catcher, Hozay always catches & throws well and Becca is also pretty consistent. My dad isn't the best thrower and I'm not the best catcher, so when he was throwing to me, it didn't work out well!

Becca, Hozay and I also ventured out on the bikes, and it didn't end well. The day was very overcast and storms were predicted, but we took our chances because we wanted to be outside. We went around the terrace then down to Quarry and up Prospect. We were just heading into the woods when it started pouring. As soon as we turned around to bike back, the rain stopped, but we headed home anyway. The rest of the afternoon, it was pouring on and off, so that was the end of our exercise, unfortunately.

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