Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 71: moist

This humidity business is really starting to get to me. At work today, I had to move two computers. I was completely drenched. Gross.

After work, I swapped one sweaty ensemble for another and finally made my way to the gym!

I started off with weights.
I did arm five different arm machines and then two different leg machines.
After that, I ran a mile on the treadmill. And every time I run a mile on the treadmill, I am reminded that I hate running. Any distance. On any surface.
My goal was to walk for .3, run for .5 and walk for .2 distance wise. I was not able to accomplish this. I walked for .3, ran for .3, walked for .2, ran for . 1, walked for .1
Also, I've noticed that I have started to sweat more recently. I'm not sure if it's just the change of atmosphere or what. But damn.
Anyway, after the treadmill, I did a mile on the elliptical.
Then I did a mile on the reclining bike. Then I did a mile on the upright bike. Then I dragged myself back home for a much needed shower.

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