Sunday, February 12, 2012


I apologize for not updating more frequently. This is not to say that I have been slacking; quite the opposite, really!

I have jumped right back into the gym and have been supplementing non-gym days with the 30 Day Shred. I decided that doing the 30DS every single day just isn't realistic -- especially since I have to do it in Becca&Hoz's room, which isn't always convenient for everyone.

I was very shocked (and relieved) to discover that I was able to go right back to the weights/reps/cardio endurance that I had pre-injury. I am back in the game, bitches!

On Saturday, I did the 30 minute circuit and at the end of my workout, an older woman came up to me and said "You had a great work out today." It made me feel really good...because I DID have a great work out and it was awesome that someone noticed that I was working my ass (literally) off.

After that, I did 20ish minutes on the elliptical and headed out. I put on a clingy sweater dress and I felt pretty great. It's been a long time since I have felt that confident. And I think I am finally coming to terms with some deep-seated body image issues that I've been carrying around since I hit puberty. I am *gasp* starting to appreciate my curves.

To top things off, I spent all night Saturday/all morning Sunday being complimented...and I didn't hate it.

AND, as if I needed any more of a boost, my sister and mom both commented - independently - that I look like I've lost weight.

So all in all, this week has been a huge ego win. I feel good. I feel stronger and healthier and more fit and more attractive and just overall pretty darn happy.

Now if only I could take my emotions to the gym and learn to whip them into shape...

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