Tuesday, January 10, 2012


It has been a long time since I logged into this site, but I assure you, friends, that the rest of my summer and start of my fall was full of long and laborious bike rides and trial gym memberships, which I used to fill my time while I was unemployed.

A lot has changed since then and I now find myself in an alternate universe: I live in CT, I have a full time job, and my life - for once - is normal [read: regulated]. So what better time to muster up my resolve and make some resolutions?

No, this has nothing to do with the New Year. In truth, I have been trying to better myself for the last few months. Since the end of October, I have been going to the gym for 1 hour sessions at a minimum of 2x a week and an average of 3x a week. This is the most consistent schedule I have ever had. And yet, I am sad to report that I have met with less than stellar results.

I am not the heaviest I have ever been, but I am certainly not happy with my self as-is. This sentiment applies not only to my physical self, but the whole shebang. And so, I resolve to Improve My Life.

Improving One's Life can take a variety of vague forms. I'm done with vague. I need resolve. Here are the steps I am taking to I.M.L.:

- Reduce Stress: sounds like a standard resolution. For me, it takes the form of waking up earlier so I don't feel rushed in the morning and have enough time for breakfast. It also includes cutting out interpersonal conflict when possible, managing my finances so I don't feel overwhelmed with debt, and maintaining strong relationships with my friends.

- Maintain exercise goal of 3x a week: I have been pretty damn good about dragging myself to the gym. In 2012, so far, I've been killing it. In the last 7 days, I have worked out 7 days.

- Make more conscious food choices: I've tried to diet and I simply do not have it in me - or rather, I do...in the form of calories. I find that the more I tell myself I can't have something, the more likely I am to binge. I have been using My Fitness Pal again to monitor my daily food intake and pinpoint my trouble areas. As per usual, the glaring issues tend to be snacking and portion control. When I am stressed or bored, I equate that with hunger. I can be really good all day and then totally crumble when I'm sitting at home and decide I want potato chips and ice cream and coffee with cream and soda. Work is just as bad. When I feel overwhelmed or anxious, I open my desk drawer and pull out some candy or chips. The obvious solution here would be to not keep this kind of temptation around. Just try to refrain yourself while you're grocery shopping! It's hard. In terms of portion control, I often find myself going back for second helpings. It's not that I'm still hungry, exactly, but I'm also not full. I need to learn to reduce my portions and refrain from grabbing the ladle once I've had my fill.

- Enjoy My Hobbies: this is something that I really lost touch with while I was in school. Now that I have a "real life" I find that I have re-fallen in love with reading. I am reading on average 2 books a week, which is insane for me. Prior to this year, I was reading maybe 2 books a year (aside from school books). And I love every second of it. I spend every lunch break nestled in the break room reading for 45 minutes and savoring each word. Right now, I'm addicted to Margaret Atwood and compulsively reading every single novel she's ever read (and trust me, there are a ton). I had also lost touch with my musical side. But since I moved my piano over, I've been trying to play/sing 3x a week to keep myself in tune. And finally, crafting and cooking have always been near and dear to my heart. I am so happy to have a full kitchen at my disposal and to live with people who appreciate food. We have set up a dinner schedule and each one of us cooks one meal a week. It's fun to plan! And I have also been keeping up with my creative side, though I need to get back into scrapbooking, as I have tons of pictures collecting dust.

- Keep My Close Friends Close : I have a select few people who have really stuck with me in my life, despite the changes in location and self. I am making a concerted effort to keep in touch with them and see them when I can. I made a ton of acquaintances while I was at school, and although I considered many of them to be friends at the time, I realize that many ended up being convenience friends, and those relationships have since dwindled. The people I keep in contact with are the people I need to pour my energy into: they are the ones who will be in my life always. And I intend to keep them there.

- Do What I Can For My Health : now that I'm working in disability claim and coming into contact with so many people who have awful afflictions, I have a new found appreciation for my own immune system. I am hardly ever sick and I intend to keep it that way if I can help it. Reducing stress, exercising more, trying to eat healthier, and being happier are certainly going to contribute to my overall health. I have also started using an Aquapic (better version of flossing) to keep my mouth health, am getting at least 6 hrs of sleep a night, and am drinking green tea/tons of water every day. And honestly, I can't remember the last time I even got a cold. Now i just to have set myself up with some doctors in this area; it will be good - and strange - to have a primary care physician.

So there you have it. My life plans. Here goes nothing...


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome! I would love to support you in every one of your ventures.

  2. This was a fetch post:)

    Good luck with your goals. Getting your life on track seems impossible but I feel writing it down helps. I keep telling myself I need to start writing my personal blog - soon hopefully.

    Food tips I have been using:
    I hate making breakfast in the morning so I have done the following:
    -Make Omelet Muffins with Ham, Spinach, whatever in bulk to eat in the morning.
    -Eat Non breakfast food. Make bulk chili, pulled chicken/pork. (eat this for lunch also.

    Don't know if you noticed but another benefit to a lot of green tea consumption (I drink all the time to take the place of eating) is good smelling breath.

  3. I found that I just could not keep food at my desk. whenever I needed something I drank water. I just couldn't resist the temptation of food while working either.

  4. Hahaha thanks Kate and Cory! And Cor-Cor, you should definitely start keeping a blog, as well! I'm normally pretty good about breakfast b/c I happen to like breakfast foods. I normally have a cup of yogurt w/ fruit and Kashi for b-fast every day. It's the rest of my meals that kill me...
