I was on the couch for less than three hours with my leg elevated before I started feeling boredom creep in. Not a good sign.
I spent a mostly sedentary day yesterday and had some friends over for dinner, so I obviously was not even close to staying under my calorie goal for the day, especially since I was very limited in the mobility department. I suppose if I was going to be snowed in anyway, I guess I might as well have an excuse to lay around.
Well by the start of today I was feeling very restless. I have learned how to manage my limp a little better and the pain has somewhat subsided. I hopped onto the elliptical to test it out, but my flexion isn't good enough to do a normal workout on there. I'm hoping it will be better by tomorrow evening so I can get at least 30 minutes on there and keep myself from going nuts.
I decided to do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today with modifications to most of the cardio portions. It was a bit challenging, but I pushed through it. I had a problem with the lunges and ALL of the cardio exercises that are impact-heavy (jumping jacks, jump rope, jogging). I hopped on one foot for a while but when my ankle and knee started cracking, I decided to give that up and substituted some cardio kick-boxing moves using my weights.
I was still able to work up a substantial sweat and at least burn a few calories and I definitely feel better about myself for having done so.
I am so thankful that this strain does not even compare to my last one in terms of severity. I mean, I was crippled for weeks before I was even able to bear any weight. And here I am right now moseying along and still getting 'er done.
Tomorrow I plan to do the do the 30 Day Shred mod again and try out ye old elliptical. If that doesn't work out, I'm okay with it. At least doing one thing - even if it's only for 20 minutes and I have to bastardize most of the exercises - makes me feel like I'll at least be able to maintain some of my momentum.
Have you jumped back on the bandwagon? (Taking care, of course, of not re-injuring that ankle?)