Saturday, November 8, 2014

Final weigh in & Cleanse review

It has been a long journey, friends! The last four weeks have been full of resisted urges and indulgences. They have been full of thousands of steps, lunges, squats, jumps, pounds lifted, miles walked, calories burned. And ultimately, they have led to the best shape I have ever been in in my entire life.

Let's start with the bad news: I didn't make goal weight of 139.6 by Tuesday, November 4. I weighed in at 141.4 -- just shy!

Here's the amazing news: following my three day juice cleanse,  as of today I am down to:

Meaning that I've lost 7.2 lbs in the last 4 weeks. This is the least I've weighed in 8 years or more.

Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

In 2012, when I first began this journey post grad-school, I weighed around 165lbs. By mid 2012, I was down to 155ish and measuring at 32" W, 38" B, 45" H.

When I moved to NC in 2013, i was down to 150 and had whittled down to 31" W, 38" B, 43" H.

Today,  at the tail end of 2014, I weigh 138.2 and measure in at 28.5" W, 36" B, 40" H.

For you math-minded folks, that means I've lost a total of: 26.2lbs, 3.5" in my waist, 2" in my bust, and 5" in my hips. 

I also have gone from a size 12 to a size 8/10

Of course, this blog wouldn't be this blog without progress photos!

Taken at the end of September -- start of my shred


Oh hey, abs! Nice to see you again!

 The guidelines I laid out for my diet were: no coffee (due to sweetener), no simple carbs, less sugar, no eating after nine.

I followed these rules most of the time. I also increased my exercise and the intensity of my workouts. I met my 5 mile step goal every single day.

The icing on the top of the cake was the Jus by Julie cleanse

I drank only juice for 3 days with the exception of water, unsweetened tea, egg whites, steamed veggies.

I drank approx 6 juices a day (and they were all delicious, surprisingly enough). I drank one whenever I felt hungry and honestly, they kept me satisfied enough that I never felt hungry and I never really craved any food.

For "dinner" every night, I steamed zucchini and squash and onions and mixed in two egg whites.

By day 2, I felt incredibly energized and light. I did an hour long trampoline air-obics class that night and was worried I hadn't consumed enough calories to not want to die. But I felt AMAZING.

I couldn't even bring myself to drink all of the 6 juices every day, so I now have about 5 bottles left over and am extending the cleanse a bit. Will do 2 juices today and then an early dinner and will detox on Monday with 3 bottles until dinner.

I definitely recommend doing it over the week rather than the weekend. The week days are more structured and full of less temptation.
My JUS menu for the last three days
I love this cleanse so much, I plan to do it again. It is a bit pricey but I feel SO good that I think it's worth it.  I also found a 5 day "JUS til dinner" package for $125 (versus the $150 I paid for 3 days), so I think I will try that one out next time, since that's pretty much what I ended up doing anyway.

And while I know I will likely gain some weight back once I start eating normally again, I do think it was a good jump start. I had been stuck around 142 for a while during my diet bet and this gave me the extra edge to get ahead.

I also have a post-cleanse diet planned out, consisting of rich fibers, steamed veggies, and lean protein.

I am looking forward to this continued journey and even though I lost $30 in the diet bet, I gained so much more in confidence, strength, fitness, and health, that it was totally worth it.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 3 Weigh In

Friends, I am not happy with my progress.

So here's the dealio : I was SO SO SO good for two weeks. And then I had company from Thursday to Tuesday and then again from Thursday to Sunday. I did alright during the first stretch. I stayed (mostly) true to my diet. I did a lot of hiking and walking and even managed to squeeze in a few Jillian workouts. But then the second round of company came and it all crashed down on me.

Granted, I DID run a 5k that Saturday. But I also ate shrimp & grits for brunch. And I drank more beer & wine than I have in a while. Oh, and then there was the Halloween party on Saturday get the picture.

While I continued to get my steps in, it turned my diet on it's head. I gained back 2 of the pounds I had lost in the first week. I was back up to 144.2 by Sunday evening.

Lucky for me, I was able to turn it right-side-up on Monday. Since then, I've been incredibly diligent. I've done a video or extra steps or spin class every day since then. I haven't eaten after 9, indulged in any sugary drinks or sugary treats, or eaten any simple carbs. You would think that this change would kick-start my weight loss again, right?


The scale has read 144 every day since then, with the exception of this morning, when it read 145. UM, WHAT?!

I look satisfied, but the look is a lie!

I feel like I've been putting forth a pretty decent effort here, body.

I just don't really know what else to do. I want [need] to get those 5lbs off before November 4. Which means I have one more week to kick my own butt.

Next week I am doing two Airobic trampoline classes, a spin class, and whatever else it takes to burn fat and calories. For the last three days of the challenge, I will be doing a Jus by Julie cleanse. I know it seems pretty extreme. But I've heard good things about the cleanse -- that participants feel more energized and that they actually FEEL cleansed after drinking the juice meals for 3 days. And I'm hoping that maybe this will be just the kick in the pants my metabolism needs to right itself and get rid of those last 5 pounds.

So here's to hoping! The next week is going to be a tough one!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week One Weigh-In

I'm one week into the 30 day weight loss challenge and twelve days into Jillian's 30 Day Shred video series.

The last seven days have been full of snubbed free meals, surprising self-control, and lots of sweating.

That's not to say I didn't cheat. I did cheat. I cheated every day and sometimes multiple times a day. Some of the cheats were worth it. Some of them may not have been. But they happened and I take ownership of the cheats and I'm actually okay with them. The cheats don't do anything to anyone but me. I'm the only one I'm disappointing.

And the results are not terribly disappointing!

One week in and I am three pounds down and my ab cuts are finally starting to come back! I feel strong, I feel healthy, I feel more energized. I feel great.

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what the next three weeks of results will bring! Hopefully they will bring the scale under 139 so I can win some $$ from this challenge!

Here are some things I've done over the past week to help me reach this point thus far:

- I was successful in choosing tea over coffee every day this week. Until the weekend, when I was overcome with an urge for Starbucks. When I did indulge, I chose regular coffee with three pumps of pumpkin spice and skim milk -- definitely less terrible than a latte!

- I ate more frequently and I ate smaller portions. A typical day included an apple and peanut butter and a cup of tea for breakfast. A snack of a Baby Bel cheese around 10. Either deli meat or quinoa pizza bites for lunch. Assorted raw veggies as a snack around 2. A bunless veggie burger or soup or salad for dinner. I did not feel full but I did not feel hungry. I felt like I was eating the right amount and it felt good.

- I cut out desserts completely until the weekend. I didn't really miss them.

- I cut out alcohol. I had one glass of sangria on Saturday and that's it, despite many opportunities to have more.

- I did not eat after 9 p.m. I actually made good on that rule! It wasn't that hard! I just had to keep myself busy and keep drinking water.

More challenges will arise this week with more company and more parties. But I am determined.

'Til next week!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Four weeks & four percent

Tomorrow marks the start of a fun four-week adventure. I owe it all to Jillian Michaels, who has long fueled my sweaty workouts and attempted muscle definition. I recently friended her on Facebook just so I could see her little daily fitness inspirations when I stumbled upon this:

Jillian's Beginner Shred Challenge

At first, I thought it was just a challenge to complete her 30 Day Shred video. I already do that video multiple times a week, so I wasn't terribly excited by it. What I found when I went to the website, however, DID excite me.

Basically, it's a "Diet Bet" with myself and the other participants. I have four weeks to lose four percent of my body weight. I paid a $30 "wager" (as did 3,894 other people to date) to become part of the community. If I do not lose the 4%, my $30 is lost to me and the community will divvy it up among themselves. If I DO lose the 4%, I get in on the remaining money.

Now, assuming that 50% of the people succeed and 50% do not, I've doubled my money. And I've also lost 5.816lbs. So it's pretty much a win win. If I don't lose the weight, womp womp to my $30, but at least I've given it a go and hopefully lost something.

I've been stuck in the mid 140's for the last 6 months, so I'm hoping this kick in the pants will help me get down into the glorious 130's. I have not been in the 130's since I was 19 years old. I would love to be down to 135 -- this challenge would bring me down to 139.6. I'll take it.

The challenge starts on Tuesday, October 7 (if you're interested in joining me, you still have until midnight tonight to sign up!!!) and runs through Tuesday, November 3, when I will have to do my final weigh-in and see how my efforts have literally paid off.

I just submitted my initial weigh-in. I am required to take a picture in "airport security" clothing -- one full body shot and one shot of myself and my scale and my signature word (which happens to be "jalapeno" -- spicy!).

Here they are:


#starting weight

Now, I'm already a fairly active person. According to my Jawbone UP24, I am in the top 10% most active people using that thing. Go, me! I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps (5 miles) daily and I also do a video or go to the gym almost every day. Clearly, increasing my workout intensity is going to be part of the plan, but it is one variable I have already been controlling since I moved to NC.

The real enemy in this scale war is my diet. I. Love. Food. I have always loved food. I've also tried a bunch of different diets and was semi-successful with them while they happened but certainly not great at maintaining them for extended periods of time.


Here's what I'm NOT doing for the next four weeks:

1) No more coffee. I don't like it black, so I tend toward the sweet stuff. It's all tea from here through 11/3.

2) No more simple carbs. No pasta, no cereal, no crackers, no fried food, nothing breadlike whatsoever. And no more desserts. Jerks. I tend to be pretty creative with my cooking, so I honestly don't think it will be hard for me to come up with fun meals to try that do not include pasta (for instance, did you know broccoli-slaw makes an excellent stirfry substitute? Or that quinoa pizza bites are delicious? I did!).

3) Less sugar. For breakfast, I normally eat a fiber bar or yogurt or oatmeal. These are loaded with sugar. While I'm not going sugar-free by any means, I am going to try to get my sugar from more natural sources, like fruits.

4) No eating after 9 p.m. I had gotten into a bad habit of having super late dinners. This needs to end.

Here's what I'm doing for the next four weeks:

Trying like hell to lose 4% of my body weight by not ingesting any of the above


"I regret that workout" said NO ONE EVER.

I'm on day 5 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred video. Let's see if I can finally stick with for 30 days this time.

Here's to my newest adventure and the next four weeks of shredding!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Skinny jeans

Have you ever tried on a pair of jeans, looked in the mirror and thought "Shit, those look good!", sprinted to the cash register to buy them in a cloud of confidence, brought them home, tried them on again (with multiple shirts) and continued to marvel "Shit, these look GOOOD!"

Me either.

Until today, friends.

I've been feeling kind of down on my jeans. None of them feel just right. The waists are too low, the waists are too high, the butt sags, the waist gaps, the thighs sag, they just don't look great. Today, while hooking my thumbs into my belt loops to once again pull up my falling jeans, I randomly grabbed a pair of clearance dark denim, stepped into them, and momentarily forgot all about the Chick-fil-A dinner I had last night or the weeks prior that were not full of running or workout videos.

In fact, I literally JUST got back into the workout groove last week after a vacation in mid August that threw me off my game.

Now, despite my lack of intense cardio, I have been walking my little heart off. This Jawbone UP24 thing? Ah-maz-ing. I now have a team of 5 friends who are on it and who continue to inspire me daily (not to mention provide some stiff competition!). I have been walking an average of 16,000 steps a day (which is about 8 miles). I love this damn bracelet and all that it has done to inspire my extra steps and extra ZZs.

And despite all of my extra eating and extra lazy workout-ing, I had somehow managed to maintain my weight @ 144lbs, which, as you may recall, is pretty damn low for me (though my goal is around 135).

Last week I finally slumped off my end of summer funk and decided to check out my new gym. Love. No one ever goes there. It's like a free, private gym with every machine I could ever want. I've been going Monday, Wednesday, Friday and doing 4 miles running, 1 mile elliptical and then some weights. On Tues/Thurs, I take Nala for long walks or do something active with her.

I've been thinking a lot about how things jut look better on people who are fit. Not skinny, per se, but in good shape and wearing things that fit well. Sometimes I see a girl with a cute outfit and I'm like "Damn, that girl looks good!" but then I realize that I could be wearing the same outfit and not look as good because I, in general, don't look that good.

But today. Today is a new day. And while I'm 100000% not thin and not even  all that fit, these magical jeans make me feel like I am. And that's a good start!

Also, new sweet Marmot vest that I am in loving.

Add caption

Gratuitous jeans selfie. Because, jeans.

A little September fitness teaser. Not that I look better than last time, but progress is progress even if none has been made

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July: updates and reviews

It's been a while since I last updated, but I've been pretty good since I wrote! The past few months have been full of:
- mountain climbing
- running (doing a couch to 5k with some new friends!)
- walking
- workout videos
- swimming
- elliptical-ing

At the end of April, I moved to a new apartment and am so close to a lot of fun things, including work, my favorite dog park, the white water center, and the greenway.

I've run a few more 5Ks since April and improved my time with each run. Then I kind of hit a rut with running (because I honestly don't really like it). Now, armed with motivation in the form of 6 friends who are willing to run and train with me and sign up for 5ks, I am back at it and feeling pretty good!

Since I moved to the Ballantyne area, I have maintained a weight around 145 -- which is a number I hadn't seen for at least half a decade. When I first moved to CT, I was in the mid 160s and when I first moved to NC, I was in the mid 150s. I would be SO happy if I could get down into the 130s, but I think I like food too much. We shall see.

On top of that, I've dropped at least 2 pant sizes. I think ended up getting rid of about 50 pairs of pants (and will probably be getting rid of some more!). Even the "skinny pants" I've been saving for years are verging on the too-big. It's an awesome feeling.

Nala has also lost some weight! She was up to about 40ish when we moved here and is now around 35.  I will attribute that to longer and more frequent walks, dog park visits, running, and doggie day care (which she attends for approx 2 days a week for about 8 hours of playing).

Here are the most recent progress pics I've taken. I think they were from July 1st, so about half a month ago (I can't believe it's almost August already!)

And here are some things I HAVE to review because I love them:

1) Jawbone UP24

I jumped on the bandwagon with this one. My work was hosting a FitBit challenge and I was pretty jealous I wasn't in on it. I tossed around the idea of getting a bunch of different fitness bands and/or watches. My sister had done a bunch of research as well and chose this one, so I decided to follow suit. I have to tell you, I LOVE this thing. It's easy to wear (takes about 1 day to get used to) and super motivating.

Action: it tracks your steps, the amount of time you are active vs. resting per day, your calories, etc. You can set step goals (mine is 10,000 a day) and also program it to buzz when you have been inactive for too long (mine is set for every 1.5 hours). I find that I am not only competitive with myself to reach the 10,000 a day, but I also strive to keep up with or beat my sister every day, as well, since I can see all of her daily data. It also gives you mini challenges you can do throughout the week (like certain days where it ups your step goal). It syncs via bluetooth to your phone and I find myself constantly checking the app for my progress throughout the day/night. I also find I am taking longer and more frequent walks.

Rest: it also tracks the zzzz's you get every night. You switch it over to sleep mode and it will tell you how long it took you to fall asleep, your deep vs. light sleep, the number of times you woke up during the night etc. You can set it to buzz anytime w/in a certain timeframe of when you want to wake up and it will choose the optimal point in your sleep study to wake you. You can program "power naps" that will take the same cue and aren't set for a certain time but rather a certain level of restedness. I set 7 hours/night as my sleep goal and am definitely more in touch with my sleeping patterns and am trying to get myself to bed earlier now.

In short, I think it's an awesome product. If any of my friends up buying this, please let me know so we can be on a "team" and I can be competitive with you, as well!!

2) In motion elliptical

I had purchased a full-sized elliptical about 5 years ago and it was such a pain in the ass to move and didn't work that well. I ended up leaving it in CT when I headed down South. Now, I love me some workout videos, but they can get a little repetitive. I've been looking for something that I could while watching tv -- a way to get my butt off the couch but still enjoy my Netflix. Behold, the inmotion elliptical!

It weighs about 30lbs and is super small and portable. When I want to watch tv, I slide it out in front of the tv and the time flies by! The stride is shorter than a normal elliptical, so it takes a few rotations to get used to it. It also doesn't have anything for your arms, which is good for core strength and balance. For such a small machine, it is pretty effective and I find myself using it almost every night during times I would otherwise be parked on the couch. 

You can also use it while sitting at a desk. I plan on bringing it to work with me sometime and trying it out. Overall, at only $85, I think it was a very worthwhile purchase. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April: Of Legs and Races

Odd how it's always around the same time of month that I remember to update this guy. In this case, it's exactly 2 months to the day that I last posted.

Since that time, I've run my first 5k and did my first mud run/obstacle course. I have been running 3 to 5 days a week and supplementing those in-between days with workout videos. The sun is out, the weather is glorious, and I am finally starting to get a sweet sweet tan! Is there anything better than a 70 degree run after work with your best furry gal pal by your side and some motivating Pandora songs blasting? I think not.

Over the last two months, I have to come to really appreciate what my legs are becoming. I have always had an unfounded hatred for my knees. I didn't like wearing shorts or skirts that showed them because I thought they were ugly and shapeless. Between squats, running, and biking, they have evolved into two stems I am quite frankly proud of. Just in time, because it's about to get hot in this state and I cannot bear to wear jeans all summer long.

Legs in February

Legs today (4/13)
Legs today (4/13) -- check out those calf muscles, awww yeah
In general, I am just feeling pretty damn good about things.

My time for my first 5k was 33:12...which I am pretty happy with considering a)I had my dog with me and it was her first 5k as well b) she decided to lose control of her bowels during the run...all over the running path. So I obvs had to stop and clean that up. c) The months leading up to the race, it had been a struggle for me to even do 1 mile without stopping on the treadmill. So yea, I'll take it! I also signed up for 2 more 5ks in May and am looking forward to PRing in both of them. Practice makes perfect!

I've also officially gone down a pant size. I literally have a suitcase full of pants that no longer fit me, which is pretty sad but also pretty awesome.

And now, for some more progress photos:

please ignore my dumb face in this photo and focus instead on how pale my stomach is compared to my arms haha

Next time I update, I'll have a nice new shiny tattoo to show off :)

Also, moving to an apartment complex 5 minutes from a 6 mile run/walk/bike greenway, 8 minutes to the biggest dog park in the area, 8 minutes to work, and with a gym/pool. SO excited.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Picture Progress: Hell. Yeah.

I know I've been a super-slacker in the updating department. In the workout department -- quite the opposite!

Since Christmas, I have flung myself whole heartedly into a low carb diet and daily workout regimen and have lost a total of 12lbs since then.

I feel fit, I feel strong, I feel healthy, I feel great.

I started off doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and also started "woggling" (walk-jogging) 2.5 miles every day after work with my pup. A sprained ankle put a damper on things, which was pretty disappointing, but I didn't let that stop me from getting my workout-on. I started doing Jackie Warner's "Power Burn" -- which is more focused on strength training and has no cardio.

Now that my ankle is (more or less) healed, I'm back to doing a combo of Jillian, Jackie, and the Biggest Loser Cardio Burn. I also tried my first spin class and really liked it! I plan to go once a week just to keep mixing things up.

On top of it all, I've been sick for the past 10 days and lost the ability to smell and/or taste anything. While it's an entirely miserable way to live, it has completed rid me of any cravings for any food. I've been eating a lot of bananas, yogurt, nuts, and slim fast. It's been just enough of a diet modification to help me drop the last 4lbs between myself and 150.


For the first time in half a decade (or maybe more) the scale is in 140s, baby! As of today, I weigh 148. My goal is to get down to 145 and maintain, and while it would be fabulous to get down into the 130s, I'm not sure that's really possible -- especially with a lot of the strength training that I'm doing.

As far as life things go, I am feeling really good about where I am. I'm happy with my work, I'm happy with my living situation, and I'm happy with the friends I've made. I am looking forward to moving closer to work and to civilization come May/June, and looking forward to all of the good things I know are ahead.

Now for the fun part: picture updates!

Changes I see: slimmer in hips, more tapered waist line, more defined ab muscles.

Changes I see: my back actually looks smaller and thinner, more tapered waistline, stronger arms

Changes I see: everything is flatter haha

This chart makes me so so happy. It's hard to see changes in yourself until you put everything together :)