Monday, September 16, 2013

PSL challenge

As if being a Gold Card holder (aka: congrats! you've spent a shit load of money on Starbucks!) weren't enough to get me in the drive-thru, they had to go and bust out my Achille's heel: PSL (Pumpkin. Spice. Latte. aka liquid crack). Now, I have modified this little baby to perfection. I do not actually order the PSL. I order an iced coffee with pumpkin sauce and 2% milk.

But it's addicting. Oh so addicting!

I crave it daily. I drink it (almost) daily. It is terrible for the wallet and more terrible for the body.

I need to break out of this SB rut. Therefore, I am challenging myself. Self: you are not to engage in any drinking of any form of the PSL for the next 7 days.

It's going to be hard. Sitting here at my desk, I am dreaming of the sweet elixir. But it's become necessary for me to wean myself off of this delicious coffee treat for a week just to prove to myself that I am not, in fact, an addict.

Wish me luck...

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