Sunday, July 4, 2010

Days 60-64: backtracking

I'm a bit behind on my entries, but here's making up for lost time!

Day 60: Hurray, two whole months of working out [almost] every day! I'm okay with it. On this day, my mom was visiting. I took her on bike tour of UMD down my normal route: around the ring, behind the quad, around the gym, down to the Dell. It was absolutely gorgeous out!

Day 61: We loaded our bikes into the car and went to the Fairhaven bike path. Unfortunately, we had decided to take my front tire off for fitting purposes. When we reached Fairhaven and reassembled the bike, something felt really off. We fiddled with it and flagged a bike-gear-clad man to try to help us, but the brakes were pressing really tight to the tire and we ended up reloading the bikes back into the car and just heading over to Lloyd's. Now, I've raved up and down about how great this place is, but on this particular day, I had a miserable time. Everything was super overgrown and it was very buggy. I had to parade through the brush swinging my arms like a windmill to the finish. It was quite unpleasant. Later in the evening, we ended up going to play mini golf and she beat me by one stroke!

Day 62: We woke up at 8 am and went back to the mini golf place for a rematch. I was winning in the bottom nine but we ended up having an exactly even score by the end of the game. It was so nervewracking. Next time, I will defeat her! After she left, Kate and I went for a bike ride down Old Westport and down to Reed Rd and then up Beeden (to defeat my old nemesis, that hill!) and then up Old Westport (also an enemy of mine). The bike ride was definitely easier this time than it was before, but I yearn for the days when I will be able to ride up that hill without losing breath.

Day 63: My sister, Hozay and I were in Boston for the day! We decided to walk to the Sam Adams brewery from our hotel. Bad idea. 1.5 hours and a lot of sweat later, we made it...only to find out there was a 2 hour for the tour. Blast. When we returned back to Dartmouth, my sister and I went for a bike ride, taking my usual route and then going through the Dell Woods to try to get to the sunken house I'd found earlier in summer. Unfortunately, someone has erected a fence since then to keep trespassers out. I will return some day and find a way there!

Day 64: Today we spent all day walking in the blistering New Bedford heat. We started off by going around the Buttonwood Park Zoo and then headed downtown for Summerfest, which we walked around for a few hours. And I believe I am going to have myself a nice bike ride once the sun backs off a bit. Of course, I shall also be exercising my elbow this evening [father!] since I obviously have to celebrate America. Obviously.

Stay tuned for more sweat and more miles! Tomorrow = the beach!

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