In the brief period of daylight Mugsy saw today she, Becca , and myself rode bikes 5 miles around a reservoir in Holyoke, Ma. My bike:
Well... not exactly... mine is about 40-50 yrs old covered w/dust, cobwebs, grass, and now goose crap! When I pulled it out today both tires were completely flat and I had to pray (yeah right) that they would hold their air so I didn't end up in the same trouble as the legal immigrant had. (has anyone verified her legality?)
Anyway, Becca's boyfriend, Hozay, ran the entire way (sucker!) (but impressive nonetheless).
I had no trouble with leg fatigue, however I hate the ridiculous posture you assume while riding a bike (hunchback of Notre Dame).
Enough about me, my wife, Megan's adoptive mother has done squat for exercise today- I know thats not really relevant but I felt like mentioning it, & because this is a blog, anything goes- I mean do you really believe the fantasies Meg writes? This morning until 2:30 PM the most movement she did was rolling over in bed! Now that Megan is done with school we expect big things from her (no, not her butt). Truthfully I am impressed that this is day#-whatever it is- and she's still keeping it up, I've never lasted this long with any exercise regimen.
I've talked to Mugsy to see if we can hire a private eye to shadow that young foreigner from Eastern Europe to see if she really does all the miles she claims to-awfully suspicious...
Well tonight Mugs has a very ambitious workout planned for herself- yes, I fear her elbow will be having a really stressful evening. (Becca's birthday celebration)
Gotta go, but I will be monitoring this site for reality so, if necessary I will hack in and let you know THE TRUTH.
adios amigos,
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