Thursday, February 13, 2014

Picture Progress: Hell. Yeah.

I know I've been a super-slacker in the updating department. In the workout department -- quite the opposite!

Since Christmas, I have flung myself whole heartedly into a low carb diet and daily workout regimen and have lost a total of 12lbs since then.

I feel fit, I feel strong, I feel healthy, I feel great.

I started off doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and also started "woggling" (walk-jogging) 2.5 miles every day after work with my pup. A sprained ankle put a damper on things, which was pretty disappointing, but I didn't let that stop me from getting my workout-on. I started doing Jackie Warner's "Power Burn" -- which is more focused on strength training and has no cardio.

Now that my ankle is (more or less) healed, I'm back to doing a combo of Jillian, Jackie, and the Biggest Loser Cardio Burn. I also tried my first spin class and really liked it! I plan to go once a week just to keep mixing things up.

On top of it all, I've been sick for the past 10 days and lost the ability to smell and/or taste anything. While it's an entirely miserable way to live, it has completed rid me of any cravings for any food. I've been eating a lot of bananas, yogurt, nuts, and slim fast. It's been just enough of a diet modification to help me drop the last 4lbs between myself and 150.


For the first time in half a decade (or maybe more) the scale is in 140s, baby! As of today, I weigh 148. My goal is to get down to 145 and maintain, and while it would be fabulous to get down into the 130s, I'm not sure that's really possible -- especially with a lot of the strength training that I'm doing.

As far as life things go, I am feeling really good about where I am. I'm happy with my work, I'm happy with my living situation, and I'm happy with the friends I've made. I am looking forward to moving closer to work and to civilization come May/June, and looking forward to all of the good things I know are ahead.

Now for the fun part: picture updates!

Changes I see: slimmer in hips, more tapered waist line, more defined ab muscles.

Changes I see: my back actually looks smaller and thinner, more tapered waistline, stronger arms

Changes I see: everything is flatter haha

This chart makes me so so happy. It's hard to see changes in yourself until you put everything together :)